To make a Lady Gaga costume that is not only authentic but has the capability to make people go gaga, then you must possess the mindset of a Stefani Germanotta. This is because of the simple fact that her costumes are known to be ridiculous, out-of this-world, strange and yet attractive. Therefore, if you really need the Gaga style costumes in order to look like her, there are steps that you must follow. The first thing is that you must be ready to spend, as you will have to buy quite a number of dressing materials and accessories.
Some of the most important components of this costumes include the star dress, American flag dress, sequin dress (of varying colours especially black and silver), fitted swimsuits and performance dresses. Apart from these, you will also need wigs of different colours and designs. For the perfect Gaga costume, you can also try out the straight wig with bangs, curly blonde, curly blonde wigs with pink accents.
Nevertheless, having all the materials listed above does not automatically translate to mean that you have all that you need, far from it. You also need to stock those sunglasses of sparkle and brilliant colours like pink, white, purple, red or simply black. It is important that you make a very bold statement with colours since this type of costumes do just that. To top up the wonderful setting, you will need a red or black headscarf preferably the shiny ones, hand gloves of weird designs and a complete Lightning Bolt Kit. This kit contains the relevant make-up accessories that will turn you into a Lady Gaga in no time. In applying the make-up, you should always remember to make a very lucid statement with the eyes, which should be heavily lined. For the lips, a pale colour like baby pink is usually the best.

Lady Gaga Costume
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